NPO Official Documents

The International Virtual Aviation Organisation VZW is an officially registered non-profit organisation in Belgium. The main advantage of this structure is that we can ensure the future of our organisation for a long time. IVAO, as an organisation, does not belong to individual people, but rather to the community. As part of this process IVAO VZW is bound by a number of legal documents which you can find on this page.

Statutes of the Association

The first main document of the IVAO VZW is the 'Statutes of the Association'. This document should be seen as the constitution of our organisation and lays down the basic structures and how the organisation functions.

Due to restrictions of Belgian legislation these official documents have to be published to Belgian court. As a consequence the official documents have to be in one of the official languages of Belgium (Dutch, French or German). At the formation of our organisation the founders decided to opt for Dutch as our main language.

Statutes Approved by GA on January 12, 2014


Besides the Statutes of the Association, our organisation had to lay down a number of rules and procedures. These rules and procedures are called 'by-laws'.

In the case of our by-laws, the English version is the original version and the one that is legally binding.


Any changes which influence the Statutes of the Associations must be published to Belgian court. You can consult their database online by clicking here.

Updated March 20, 2014