08:00 - [02 FEB | 08z - 15z] [HQ+XB] Brussels PDE/RFE 2025

IVAO BeLux Region is inviting you to the yearly Brussels public display/Real flight event 2025!
During 7 hours we will simulate a real flight schedule in order to give you an idea of what a typical Saturday on the international airport looks like.

For more information click here.

15:00 - [02 FEB | 15z - 19z] [HQ+TN] Tunis-Carthage RFO

Welcome to the Tunis-Carthage RFO event! Join us on 02.02.2025, from 15:00z to 19:00z, to experience the thrill of real-world flight operations at Tunis-Carthage International Airport (DTTA). Get ready to navigate the skies, connect with the IVAO community. Clear skies and happy flying!

For more information click here.

16:00 - [02 FEB | 16z - 20z] [ES] Quality inspections at Teruel

Last November we presented a new event format for 2025 in which you, the users, would be in charge of designing the event you would like to hold online. Through community votes, the winning proposal was Marco Millo (260416).

An aircraft manufacturer must inspect a certain number of aircraft before returning them to service. Therefore, all aircraft must be brought to Teruel airport after their last passenger or cargo flight in Madrid.

In order to optimise operations, an executive jet operator based at Cuatro Vientos airfield has been asked to pick up pilots at LEMD and take them to LETL, or viceversa.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [02 FEB | 16z - 20z] [IT+AT] IFR & VFR AIRBRIDGE

Italy and Austria Event Departments are proudly presenting you our first joint event this year!

We invite you to fly IFR as well as VFR between our two countries and get to enjoy exceptional views and challenging airports.

For more information click here.