16:00 - [UA] Online Evening

Dear pilots, IVAO Ukraine is happy to invite you to join us for our divisional online evening! We are waiting for all of you every Tuesday from 16:00z in Ukrainian airspace! See you!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [18 FEB | 18z - 21z][SI] Meet Procedural Control - Maribor Approach

Pilots meet procedural air traffic control (ATC) operations within Maribor Approach. Event provides a unique opportunity for pilots to gain insight into non-radar (procedural) air traffic management, particularly in controlled airspace where radar coverage is limited or unavailable. Join us in Maribor for a great learning opportunity

For more information click here.

18:00 - [SI] Slovenia Online Evening

Every Tuesday after 7pm Slovenia local time, an online evening of the Slovenian Division takes place on the IVAO network. Air traffic control will be provided as much as possible.

Pilots can use the evening to fly any of the flights from our extensive range of tours. Both VFR and IFR flights are much welcome.

Thru the tour system you can file a report of attendance on the online evening. The award for attending more than 25 online evenings is the IVAO Division Online Day badge.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [DE] German Onlineday

Feel free to join the German Onlineday. You are welcome!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [TR] Online Day

The IVAO Turkiye Division exclusive online day is every Tuesday night at 18:00 UTC! Save the date and keep your Tuesday nights free to enjoy more flight traffic, increased ATC coverage and special events!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [HU] Online Day

Come and fly together or face new challenges as an ATC every tuesday @ LHCC FIR

For more information click here.