16:00 - [20 FEB | 16z - 21z] [HQ+XG] Kuwait National Day RFO

Start up your engines for a thrilling experience in the upcoming Kuwait RFO event!
On the 20th of February 2025, from 16z to 21z, you have the chance to push Kuwait Airport to its maximum capacity.
At this Real Flight Operations, you will have the opportunity to book actual flights and enjoy one or more flights of your choice with full ATC coverage! It sounds like a good deal, doesnt it?

For more information click here.

16:00 - [IL] Israel Online Evening

Every Thursday starting from 16z we would invite you to any Israel airport! Our ATC would provide high quality control for the whole evening for you!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [18z - 06z][US] United States Online Day

Have you ever wanted to see the American skies full of ATC and pilots? Join us every Thursday from 18z to 06z and lets make it happen!?

For more information click here.