17:00 - [10 JUL | 17z] [HQ] Fly With A Governor - Leg 58

Welcome to the fifty-eighth edition of Fly with a Governor. This events series is brought to you by the Board of Governors and is a combination of two parts. The first part of this event will be a group flight from LGAV to EPWA. The idea of the tour is to connect each Division and MCD together in a series of legs. Each leg can be recorded on the World Tours Website which can be found by clicking here.

The second part of the event will be a Q+A session with one of the Board of Governors. For this edition, Ralph, the IVAO Vice President will be hosting the Questions and Answers session. The Q+A session will take place on the IVAO Family discord serverafter the flight. So stick around if you have any burning questions to ask about the organization and its future

For more information click here.

18:00 - [18z - 04z] [XS] Central America Region Online Day

Day: Every Wednesday
Time: 1800z to 0400z
Peak Time: 2000z to 0200z
Location: Everywhere in the Central America division!

For more information click here.