17:00 - [24 JUL | 17z] [HQ] Fly With A Governor - Leg 59

Welcome to the fifty-nineth edition of Fly with a Governor. This events series is brought to you by the Board of Governors and is a combination of two parts. The first part of this event will be a group flight from EPWA to LTFM.The second part of the event will be a Q+A session with one of the Board of Governors. For this edition, Ralph, the IVAO Vice President will be hosting the Questions and Answers session.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [18z - 04z] [XS] Central America Region Online Day

Day: Every Wednesday
Time: 1800z to 0400z
Peak Time: 2000z to 0200z
Location: Everywhere in the Central America division!

For more information click here.