17:00 - Hungarian Online Evening 2022

Hungarian Online Evening 2022

18:00 - Congonhas - Santos Dumont Airbridge

The IVAO Brazil Events Department is pleased to announce one more event in the type of Bidirecional Airbridge, between the most crowded terminals in the Brazil. The Congonhas - Santos Dumont Airbridge

Congonhas Airport is one of the busiest airports in Brazil, located in the center of São Paulo, serving the city and the entire surrounding region, with flights to various corners of the country, then together Santos Dumont host the most famous route in Brazil, RIO-SP Airbridge. Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro is an airport with one of the most beautiful approaches in the country, with some relatively challenging procedures, taking into account the relief of the region and the size of the runway.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [SI] Slovenia Online Evening

IVAO Slovenia Online Evening every Tuesday from 1800z until 2100z. Enjoy fully controlled Slovenian Skies.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [CZ] Czech Online Day

Fly to fully controlled Prague FIR!

For more information click here.