00:00 - [BO] Bolivia Online Day

Join us in our Onlineday and enjoy every Saturday with family and friends, together lets fly or control.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [02 SEP | 10z - 16z] [HQ+PL] Warsaw RFE 2023

IVAO Poland staff, together with SimAir would like to invite you to Warsaw RFE 2023. More than 170 flights to be booked and Warsaw TMA with full ATC coverage are waiting for you.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egypt Online day

Bring your wing and enjoy full ATC coverage in EG-FIR ...

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egypt Online day

Bring your wing and enjoy full ATC coverage in EG-FIR ...

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE] Venezuela Online Day

The Venezuela Division wants to invite you to participate in its weekly event "Online Day Venezuela"
with full control in Venezuela.
We are waiting for you!!!

For more information click here.

19:00 - [02 SEP | 15z - 19z] [ES] The Key to Land - GCLP

This is not just any event. You must demonstrate your aeronautical knowledge if you want to land in Gran Canaria! When you contact the Tower, you will be asked a question with possible answers. If your answer is correct, you will get clearance to land... but if your answer is incorrect, you will go around and you will have to start a new approach!

For more information click here.

21:00 - [02 SEP | 17z - 21z] [FR+HQ] Rugby World Cup France 2023

France will host the 2023 Rugby World Cup, taking place from September 8th to October 28th.
During the weekend before the beginning of the competition, our director and assistant director will organize a gala with all the 20 qualified teams in a secret place close to Paris. All the teams are expected in Paris-Orly the day before the party.

For more information click here.