00:00 - South America Online Day

The IVAO Events Department is proud to invite you to the South America Online Day that will take place every Sunday in AN, AR, AW, BR, CL, CO, VE divisions.

For more information click here.

03:00 - [DE] Real Flight Event München

The annual München Real Flight Event during München Oktoberfest happens once again. This year you will have the opportunity to pick every single flight from the real schedule as our virtual München ACC will be open from 0300z until 2100z and simulate for you an entire day at München's international airport.

For more information click here.

08:00 - [XB] PDE - Brussels fly-in/out - Live ATC at Belgocontrol

Our last PDE for this year takes us to the heart of Brussels FIR. From this place, people control real planes in real life every day.

IVAO was asked to put an interactive demostand, where visitors virtually can see what happens in real (not in real time of course).

To explain what we, and they, are doing we need traffic... A LOT OF TRAFFIC! So bring your wings to the heart of Europe and make it an exciting day for everyone

For more information click here.