00:00 - Swedish Onlineday

The Swedish Online day is now at tthe Sunday evening. Come and join. Our Neighbours will also held their day. So why

not fly VFR outbound ESMS over the Sund to beautifull DK.
May be you like more IFR then come on and Move your Wings Outbound somewhere in Danmark and visit Sweden. We

all look forward to see you in the Sky.
Enjoy Scandinavia

For more information click here.

09:30 - [IT] Verona Mega FlyIN 2013 - Live from Model Expo Italy

As in the past years, IVAO Italy will be present on Saturday, 2nd and on Sunday, March 3rd at the Model Expo Italy fair in Verona as an exhibitor. At the stand we will open many ATC positions, from GND to ACC: screens from different positions will be send to a screen and the relative TS audio channel broadcasted live for visitors. GND and TWR positions will be opened using IvAi. There will be also a live video streaming on the IVAO Italy website. You are all invited to fly to and/or from Verona (LIPX) during the opening hours that is from 09.30 UTC till 16.30 UTC on Saturday and Sunday to have a good amount of traffic so to show all visitors at the stand what IVAO is all about.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Danish Online Day

Danish Online Day.

Our online day will be held every sunday, from 18z. Come and enjoy this day with professional danish ATC's.

You can find informations and briefings for our airports, on our website, and you can find the charts aswell.

For more information click here.