13:00 - [IN] Over The Pond - VOTV & VRMM

IVAO India Events Department would like to Invite all IVAO Pilots for our event Over The Pond between Maldives (VRMM) and South India's last airport Trivandrum (VOTV). The event is scheduled for Saturday 29th of May 2015 from 1300Z to 1600Z. We are scheduling 50 Flights and we ensure full and the best ATC Services to be provided over the region. We look forward to see all the Pilots flying in and out of the both Airports.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [DZ] Algerian Online Day


IVAO Algerian Division presents an Online Day every Friday at 1900z.
Great coverage of ATC with great service.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

20:00 - [NC] Online Day

you're all welcome to fly in New Caledonia sky,

All New Caledonia charts are available here

21:00 - [BR] Brasília to Manaus - Dia mundial do meio ambiente

Brasília – Manaus ( World Environment Day )
Let's comemorate this day with flights departuring from Brasília to Manaus, or, the other way around, but before let's talk a little bit about the city of Brasilia.
Undenyably, “Brasília in a mark in the Brazilian occupation by Brazilians”, like said the president Juscelino Kubitschek de OliveiraI.
The dream, transformed in reality, showed as an indulcing development focus, came out to be a beautiful city, full of attractives, a frontear of the country's expantion.
Starting from scratch, Brasília, in only four decades got to the 21st Century as the sixty bigger city from the country, not saying about the beautiful landscapes. You're not going to loose this, are you?
Now let's talk about our destination, what about we get to know a little bit about Manaus?
The Histoty of Manaus, A Brazilian city in the north of Brazil, being the captal of the State of Amazonas, has it's origins in 1669.
With the implementation of “Zona Franca de Manaus” in the 1960s the city became again one of the most rich in Brazil.
In the touristic bussines, Manaus receives many tourists, which in the most part want to meet historic points that marked the city's history.

Currently, The Manaus International Airport, is the most movimented airport in the north of Brazil and the fifth most movimented in Brazil, Reciving annualy 4.6 Million passengers, besides, being the third in cargo transportation in Brazil.
Did you like it? Let's fly then, Let's seize this moment, everyone will be welcomed. We are awaiting for you!!!

This day, June 5th, we await your IFR flight, departuring from Brasília to Manaus, From 21z, to 00z, and enjoy it because we're going to have full ATC, Controllers readily wating to offer the best ATC from Brazil.Participate, you don't know what you're going to loose.

For more information click here.