01:00 - Mid-Week IFR Event

Come join us on July 5th at 0100Z in our mid-week IFR event between Mazatlan (MMMZ) and La Paz (MMLP)

For more information click here.

18:00 - Multi Shuttle

Event (Multi Shuttle) between our divisions SY-SA-EG.. as follows

1st day ": Damascus International Airport to Jeddah International Airport and in the 5/7/2013 time 18:00Z


2nd day?": Jeddah International Airport to Cairo International Airport in the 6/7/2013 time 18:00Z


For more information click here.

19:00 - [PF] SO Event day 2

Welcome in French Polynesia for the inauguration of our new Special Operations Tour !

For more information click here.

19:00 - [FR] Every first Friday of the month, only speak English !

Every first friday of the month, french controllers and pilots are invited to communicate only using english phraseology. Do not hesitated to come and fly in France in order to help them improving their skills.

For more information click here.