11:00 - Algiers (DAAG) Real Flight Event

Algiers Houari Boumediene RFE.

We will try to provide you the most realistic atmosphere possible.

The only thing you have to do is bring your wings to *Algiers International Airport*

And enjoy a pleasant Saturday afternoon in the Algerian skies.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Multi Shuttle

Event (Multi Shuttle) between our divisions SY-SA-EG.. as follows

2nd day?": Jeddah International Airport to Cairo International Airport in the 6/7/2013 time 18:00Z


For more information click here.

19:00 - [NC] The 7th New Caledonia Division Happy Birthday

La division de Nouvelle Caledonie a le plaisir de vous inviter pour feter son 7eme anniversaire...

Venez nombreux voler dans le ciel caledonien...

a partir de samedi 19:00z jusqu'a dimanche 13:00z

The New Caledonia Division has the pleasure to invite you to celebrate their 7th Birthday...

Come in large numbers to fly in New Caledonia sky...

from Saturday, 19:00z until Sunday, 13:00z,

For more information click here.