04:00 - Australia Online Cairns to Port Moresby


We look forward to seeing you all that this Sunday's Online Event.

Details are as follows: YBCS - AYPY

Date:06, July 2014

Time: 04:00

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

Route: CS R210 PY

Please be online 15 minutes beforehand & plan on pushing
off around 04:00z.

Note :
in Flight

Come along and support your local division :)

Kindest Regards

Events Staff IVAO Australia


IVAO Australia Division

Australia Online Sunday's

For more information click here.

06:00 - [NC] The 8th New Caledonia Division Happy Birthday

La division de Nouvelle Caledonie a le plaisir de vous inviter pour feter son 8eme anniversaire...

Venez nombreux voler dans le ciel caledonien...

a partir 06:00 jusqu'? 13:00z

The New Caledonia Division has the pleasure to invite you to celebrate their 8th Birthday...

Come in large numbers to fly in New Caledonia sky...

from 06:00z until 13:00z,

All New Caledonia charts available here

For more information click here.

17:00 - The Danish online day.

It's every Sunday from 1700z.

Take a flight either to or from Denmark, or fly a nice VFR trip in our beautiful country.

Enjoy our professional ATC's who will do their best, to give you the best service in Denmark.

ATC's book your positions: http://www.ivao.aero/atcss/

For more information click here.

17:00 - Caribbean OnlineSUNday

Enjoy the Caribbean every sunday

For more information click here.