11:00 - [07 JAN | 11z - 14z] [XO] Events Tour - Leg 1

The first flight of our XO Events Tour. Fly with Nico (XO-FOC/
WM/MC/EC) from Brisbane to Sydney and enjoy full ATC coverage.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [07 JAN | 16z - 21z][HQ+XB+NL+FR]The 1st IVAO Connect Event

Three divisions will participate in these events, with each division having two airports, resulting in a total of six airports for the event. Pilots are required to complete two flights between these six airports, with the only condition being that the flights cannot be between two airports within the same division.

Check out our forum

For more information click here.

18:00 - [07 JAN | 18z - 22z] [XA] Southwest Sunbridge

Kick off the new year in the sunshine! Fly the short hop between Albuquerque and Phoenix and enjoy the stunning landscapes and the welcome January warmth of the great American Southwest!?

For more information click here.