00:00 - [PF] Hiva Oa Marathon @1900Z

Ia Orana,

Ivao Polynesian division is pleased to invite you to the event “Hiva Oa Marathon” the Saturday 2016/05/07 at 19:00Z


Go to NTMN to transport riders and their cargo for the marathon of Hiva Oa.

1 flight between NTTO to NTMN is required


This event allows you to get 1 point for the Award PILOT EVENT 2016


Bi-turbo Propeller or Twin engine piston or helico or Jet and liner (cat B Maxi A318)

Rules of flight





Pay ware




Nice flight all !

For more information click here.

03:00 - [RO] Bucharest (LROP) Real Flight Event 20h

Saturday the 07th of May 2016, between 03:00Z - 23:00Z, the Romanian Division is welcoming you to Bucharest, with the ocasion of the Bucharest RFE.
During the 20hrs event, the longest so far organised by us, you can choose and book from hundreds of real flights.
Being at the 4th RFE we have new sceneries, new flights, new booking system, we're trying to give our best to make it an unforgettable event and "as real as it gets".
During the event, we will be offering full ATC coverage.

For more information click here.

14:00 - [SN] Airbridge Nouakchott - Nouadhibou (GQNN-GQPP)

Dear IVAO Members,

IVAO SENEGAL division is happy to announce our monthly airbridge event. This month is focus on Mauritania with an airbridge between the two main airports : Nouakchott (GQNN) and Nouadhibou (GQPP). This event will take place on Saturday, 7th MAY 2016 between 14:00Z and 16:00Z. ATC coverage will be provided. Fly between these great airports and enjoy full and professional ATC coverage all the way. File your pirep to get the point for the division PILOT EVENT 2016 (award after 10 points).

Link for the pilot briefing

For more information click here.

17:00 - [UA] IVAO Ukraine Divison Birthday

The Ukraine Division invites all of you to celebrate the division's birthday! In honor of this date we would like to invite every of you to celebrate with us! For that purpose we would provide 3-hours long FULL ATC coverage over ALL UKRAINE!

For more information click here.



Every Saturday 17:00 Zulu, members of the Algerian Division are invited to communicate only using English phraseology. everybody is welcome to fly in our skies to discover the talent of the most active division in Africa.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egypt Online Day

Egyptian Online Day is Held Every Saturday at 18:00 Z . Bring Your Wings & Come To See The Nile River , New Suez Canal and the Great Pyramids and Fly Under our Great ATC .

Also Feel totally Free to Contact me if you need anything On ( eg-ec@ivao.aero )

For more information, please visit the Egyptian division Forum at: EG Forum

see you all there.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [XA] Online Weekend #7 KPHL & KDCA

This year, in order to increase activity inside XA Airspace, we'll again promote our Online Weekends. In change to last years editions, we will staff two airports, for at least two hours at each Online Weekend, to allow an airbridge between those.

Any XA Member and GCA Holder is welcome, observing the FRA definition. And, of course, pilots are always welcome.

In order to thank you for your dedication, after 10 participations as ATC or Pilot you'll receive the ATC Events Award or the Pilot Events Award.

In order to receive the Pilot Award, please report our flights under: Reports - Pilot Events Award

For more information click here.

19:00 - [CL] Chile Online Day

IVAO Chile te invita todos los Sábados a Disfrutar de tu Online Day con full ATC y Pilotos.

Te esperamos

For more information click here.