00:00 - [ES] Online Day

It is finally Friday... and now what!?
Well, you can connect as a controller or as a pilot in our ONLINE DAY.
It is our day, choose your airport to control, or prepare that flight plan you were waiting to make and activate ONLINE mode.
There are always positions occupied and a multitude of flights underway.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [07 JUN | 15z - 17z][IR+TR] Weekend with Persian Tour Leg 11th

In the year 2024 the Iran Division of IVAO will host monthly events featuring IFR 2024 tour routes will take place
Members are invited to participate in these monthly tours and can also fly a leg for IFR2024 Division Iran earning both the tour badge and points for the Pilot Events Award

For more information click here.

21:00 - [07 JUN | 21z - 02z] [CU] Vintage Plane on Cuba

On Friday, June 7, we will see each other under the sun at the controls of vintage airplanes. Enjoy the sound of this old engine that we love so much and come fly in Cuba.

Rediscover the challenge of flying visually, without electronic systems, only thanks to your own pilot talent. Depart from JAIME GONZALEZ International Airport (MUCF) and enjoy the scenery.

For more information click here.