16:00 - Int'l Women's Day

Dear Gentlemen!

Flowers and the Netherlands are inextricably linked. Flowers are the things that add color to the typically Dutch landscape. Holland is known as the largest flower shop in the world, and for good reason. The Dutch take their flowers seriously, and not just the tulips.The flower industry is the major industry of Holland, and although tulips are still the focus of most of the industry, the crocus, hyacinth, and other nice flowers extend the season from early spring throughout the summer.

Russian and Dutch Divisions invite everyone to join our Airbridge between Amsterdam (Schiphol) and Moscow (Vnukovo) on the 8th of March, dedicated to Internetional Women`s Day. We want everybody to bring to their beloved women bouquet of flowers, say words of love or something really pleasant and to hug them to show all the feelings, that we have towards them. Because we can not imagine our lives without women))

For more information click here.

17:00 - Si no vuelas... ¡Fallas!

One of the most important festivals in Spain, is undoubtedly the one that has been chosen Fiesta of International Tourist Interest, Las Fallas de Valencia.

IVAO ES could not miss this event, and consequently we propose an event in Valencia LEVC, and with a particularity, that is the incorporation to the event of Requena LERE.

In this way VFR and IFR flights will have two airports to choose from.

For more information click here.