18:00 - [DZ] Algerian Online Day


IVAO Algerian Division presents an Online Day every Wednesday at 1900z.
Great coverage of ATC with great service.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

18:00 - [XN] The Christmas Fly-In to Finland!

Christmas is arriving and the Nordic Division has the privilege to prepare the annual Christmas Fly-In. Like every year the Rovaniemi airport faces huge amount of inbounds coming from all over the world. This year the date for the Fly-In is the 12th of December. Like always the inbound amount is huge and for this reason the ATC is at its highest alert: The whole Rovaniemi is completely fully staffed and we will also be having many Center controllers in Sweden and Denmark to provide fluent traffic flow to the airport of Santa.

For more information click here.

20:00 - [NC] Online Day

you're all welcome to fly in New Caledonia sky,

All New Caledonia charts are available here

For more information click here.