04:00 - Australia Online - YMHB to YPAD

Welcome to 2013 and Welcome to Australia Online.

Today's Sunday Online flight will take place between Hobart (YMHB) and Adelaide (YPAD). All members are welcome to join in.

Lets come along and enjoy the event whilst supporting your local division.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

NOTAM - Australia Online Pilot Award - Ensure you book your flight and report your leg in the new MODA lite.

See link below to Australian Tours.

Link to Australian Tours Click Here.

To View information and current bookings Click Here.

Click here to place a Pilot booking.

Click here to place an ATC booking.

For more information click here.

15:00 - [TN] Real Flight Event TUNIS (DTTA) 13 JAN 13 | 15 - 21 UTC

The Tunisian's biggest airport awaits you, fully staffed for an event you will never forget.

Around 120 Tunis real flights ranging from short domestic flights to international are available for you to book during this 6 hour event.

ATC will be provided with over 6 active positions! We are expecting a few real Tunisian controllers to join our team as well.

Join and discover Tunisia as you have never flown before!

Make sure you're there, we're waiting.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [US-MUFH OIF] Ft. Laurderdale to La Habana Group Flight

Dear IVAO memebers,

From the United States events department in cooperation with the Cuban OIF we would like to invite you to a new event taking place on January 13th 2013 at Fort Lauderdale. This event consist in a one way flight from the mentioned airport to the Cuban capital La Habana. Durning four consecutive hours Fort Lauderdale and the Cuban airspace will be fully staffed with ATC bringing service to everyone that participates.

If you want to have a great time join us at 17:00Z

For more information click here.

18:00 - [BE] Belgian Online Evening

The Belgian Division invites you to fly to or from Belgium during our
weekly online evening on Tuesday from 18.00z till 21.00z.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Danish Online Day

Danish Online Day.

Our online day will be held every sunday, from 18z. Come and enjoy this day with professional danish ATC's.

You can find informations and briefings for our airports, on our website, and you can find the charts aswell.

For more information click here.

22:00 - Mexico On Line Day

Mexico On Line Day

Come and fly in one of the most beautiful Countries.

Every Sunday from 22:00 to 02:00 UTC
Full ATC Services.

For more information click here.