08:00 - [IT-BR] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014

FIFA World Cup 2014 is already upcoming and IVAO Italia does not want to miss the opportunity to invite you to fly to Brazil to support our national team!

For more information click here.

11:00 - [SI] RFE Ljubljana

Slovenia division is happy to invite you to book a flight in Ljubljana Real Flight Event happening on 15th June 2014, with first arrivals to Ljubljana starting at 11:00 UTC.

You can book your flights on our dedicated RFE webpage where you can find all the necessary documents (charts and briefing), freeware scenery and much more.

For awards pleas fill 2 legs in MODA system here:
(File my report -> LJURFE14)

For more information click here.

17:00 - Caribbean OnlineSUNday

Enjoy the Caribbean every sunday

For more information click here.

17:00 - The Danish online day.

It's every Sunday from 1700z.

Take a flight either to or from Denmark, or fly a nice VFR trip in our beautiful country.

Enjoy our professional ATC's who will do their best, to give you the best service in Denmark.

ATC's book your positions: http://www.ivao.aero/atcss/

For more information click here.