09:00 - RFE Zurich 2014 !

The Swiss Division is proud to announce a new RFE in Switzerland. After the successful event at Geneva, we?re happy to let you know about our next big RFE.
Enjoy the second RFE in Switzerland since its restart, which will take place at Zurich LSZH.

Everyone is cordially invited to come and meet us live at Kloten at our ACC!

For more information click here.

12:00 - [ID] ATC Regular Weekend Event

IVAO Indonesia presents ATC Regular Weekend Event.
Indonesian New Controller can now having a chance to experience the busy traffic up to TWR position on the major airports during the event. This event will also functioning as an On the Job Training facility for the all ATC rating, to familiarize them with the operation of the major airports involved in this event.

For more information click here.

17:00 - LKAA FIR 30HRS Online 2014

Dear IVAO members,
after very succesful event a year ago, months of preparation, the Czech division is finally very proud to present another LKAA FIR 30 Hours online event. This year also in cooperation with several divisions all over the Europe.

As this traditional, favourite, the largest in the year and very successful event is coming by "mile steps", we would like to inform you about what you can look forward to. Most of the time our ATC positions will be covered by ATCs that are selected with care and trained, who should be able to handle traffic event in the most rush hours. For your more intense experience, there will be a large number of flights in our booking system prepared according to real models.

For more information click here.

17:00 - Israel Online Evening

The Israel division invites you to join us in our main weekly event called the "Shabat Flight", which means Saturday flight.

The event usually starts at 17:00 UTC (While DST: 16:00 UTC) for three hours until 21:00 UTC (23:00 UTC+2).
During the event we encourage all pilot members and controllers to join.
Each week we also select a special mission or theme to make the event interesting and challenging.

You are welcomed to fly with us over the amazing sites in Israel: over the skies of the Mediterranean sea, the Negev desert or the lowest point on earth by the Dead Sea!

Choose one of our main airports (Ben-Gurion, Eilat, Ovda, Haifa, etc..) or one of our deserted land strips, download the scenery and join us.
See you in the sky!

IVAO-IL team.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Egyptian Online Day

IVAO Egyptian Division presents an Online Day every Saturday at 1800z ,Great coverage of ATC with great service,

Come and fly in

For more information click here.