00:00 - Egypt Online Day

Egyptian online night is held every Saturday at 1800 UTC. Bring your Wings & Come to see the River Nile and the Great Pyramids, and fly under our great ATC.

Also feel totally free to contact me if you need anything on (eg-ec@ivao.aero)

See you there..

For more information click here.

00:00 - Malta Virtual Airshow

The Virtual Malta International Airshow is back! On the 14th - 17th December, a group of Maltese Flight Simmers will be hosting the Virtual Malta International Airshow 2012. This year?s Virtual Airshow will include participants from Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Ukraine, UK & USA. Below you can find the website and our facebook page to contact us to Participate. We would love to see you flying in our airspace!

NOTICE : On the 14th December we will be hosting a Fly-In from 16:00 to 23:00 GMT !

Here you can find more information about this event : http://www.virtualmaltairshow.tk/

And you can even like our Facebook page on : https://www.facebook.com/VirtualMaltAirshow/

For more information click here.

12:00 - Indonesia Saturday Night Live (SNL) 2012

IVAO Indonesia 2012 Saturday Night Live (SNL) is a weekly event of IVAO Indonesia division.

Indonesia divisions will once again be providing high levels of ATC staffing in order to offer an enjoyable, realistic and high quality service to pilots. We aim to staff as 3 airport & major positions as possible which is WIII, WADD & WARR.

Held every Saturday starting 12:00 to 16:00 z (19:00 to 23:00 East Java Time), you are free to fly inbound or outbound several airport.

Feel free to join us, feel Indonesia.

For more information click here.

17:00 - Finnish Online Day

Finnish Online Day every Saturday - welcome!

For more information click here.

17:00 - Ukraine Online Evening

Dear pilots!

We invite you to participate in regular event "Ukraine Online Evening"! Event starts at 19:00 local time (17:00 UTC) and continues until the last aircraft. To the event we attract as many controllers as possible to make your flight safety and interesting.

Fly to Ukraine!

For more information click here.

17:00 - Saturday Night Flight

The Israel division invites you to join us in our main weekly event called the "Shabat Flight", which means Saturday flight.

The event usually starts at 17:00 UTC (While DST: 16:00 UTC) for three hours until 21:00 UTC (23:00 UTC+2).
During the event we encourage all pilot members and controllers to join.
Each week we also select a special mission or theme to make the event interesting and challenging.

You are welcomed to fly with us over the amazing sites in Israel: over the skies of the Mediterranean sea, the Negev desert or the lowest point on earth by the Dead Sea!

Choose one of our main airports (Ben-Gurion, Eilat, Ovda, Haifa, etc..) or one of our deserted land strips, download the scenery and join us.
See you in the sky!

IVAO-IL team.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Christmas Groupflight

It Doesn't seem like 5 minutes since it was last Christmas but it's here again!

As per every year and is now tradition, IVAO UK are again holding a groupflight out to Rovaniemi. All division members are invited to fly as one for this event whether you are part of a Virtual Airline or not.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Annual Christmas Fly-in 2012

Annual Christmas Fly-in is here again! The official Christmas Fly-in of IVAO will be held at Rovaniemi airport (EFRO) on December 15th starting at 1800 UTC. Rovaniemi is located in the Finnish Lapland, the home region of Santa Claus. As in the previous years, this year we are expecting to get a huge amounts of traffic in the northern skies.

Full ATC coverage with highly experienced controllers is waiting your flights! Bring your virtual Christmas tourists to Rovaniemi to see Santa Claus and the Arctic Circle!

For more information click here.

19:00 - IVAO-SI Senior Controller Exam

We are organising an event due to senior controller exam.

For more information click here.

23:00 - [CA] Black Ice

Ivao Canada is proud to announce the Northen Event in the history of IVAO!

Santa Claus has brung a lot of presents at Alert CYLT! Your mission is to dispatch them all among the Northern children communities!


Ivao Canada est fiere de vous presenter l'evenement le plus au Nord de l'histoire d'IVAO !

Le Pere Noel a depose ses cadeaux a Alert CYLT ! Votre mission est d'apporter ses presents aux enfants des communautes nordiques !

For more information click here.