15:00 - [15 DEC | 12z - 15z] [TH] Suvarnabhumi Single Runway Operation

Event date: Friday, 15th December 2023
Event time: 13:00Z - 15:00Z
Event type: Fly-in and Fly-out

Bangkok, the World’s most famous tourist destination, lies in the heart of Southeast Asia. With thousands of flights, both domestic and international, operating in and out daily, Bangkok FIR is one of the most active airspaces in the region.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [15 DEC | 16z - 19z] [XO+HQ] Port Moresby - Cairns Airbrdige

We connect Australia with Papua New Guinea. On the 15th December 2023 between 16z and 19z we invite all pilots to a short trip from or to Papua New Guinea.
You can enjoy full ATC coverage between Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport and Cairns International Airport.

For more information click here.

20:00 - [HQ+FR] Strasbourg Christmas Market

Every year, the French events department is happy to announce this flagship event: Strasbourg Christmas Market. We are waiting for you to celebrate the end of the year in Strasbourg, one of the most famous Christmas markets in the world, on Friday, December 15th between 20:00 UTC and 22:00 UTC.

Last year, 68 pilots landed successfully in Strasbourg. Are you ready to beat this number in 2023??

For more information click here.