13:00 - Virtual Airline Event 2013

Virtual Airline of Indonesia 2013 dedicated to all official virtual airline registered on IVAO Indonesia. Based on the event calender from 13:00-16:00 UTC and the affiliation LOA (Letter Of Agreement), all of these virtual airline will held a joint groupflight event together to support our divisional activities.

For more information click here.

14:30 - Slavic tIpical simmer

We can so often hear "Oh, typical simmer", indulgently said about us. But who is he, a typical slavic simmer?

He's different. He knows a lot and a bit, obeys all the rules and violates all that is possible. He can fly abroad and even stay indignant - why Hungarian ATC can't speak Russian. Typical slavic simmer is not only Russian, Ukrainian nd Belorussian. He's Slav and he proud it! For him - Ukraine, Russia and Belorus is a one big airspace, and even each airport here is like a "sweet home" for him. Typical slavic simmer is the coolest simmer all the world and nothing can confuse him. Only our simmer manages any situation, even the most desperate, get away from the water. And even if he is alone abroad without the knowledge of English, he still will be always supported by a team desperately laughing, but still helping friends!
Russian and Ukrainian divisions present. Three divisions, through four airspaces, two full-staffed airports in two countries - all this Event "TIpical Simmer".

For more information click here.

15:00 - VA Fly in with Contest

Dear Pilots,

the next swedish event is in the Line to come.

We would like to invite you to Aengelholm (ESTA) to our VA fly in. The beautifull small Airport down in the south of Sweden.

6.381ft long asphalted Runway and may be a nice approach via Eastsea.

On the 16th of March from 15.00z until 18.00z we will offer you a small Airport with full Service an also with a Follow me Car Service.

Furthermore the two best Pilots of each Virtual Airline could participate in a SRA Approach Contest. If you would join in this Contest write a Mail to

se-tc(at)ivao.aero or se-ec(at)ivao.aero until 15.th March 15.00z with Name, VID and Callsign.

From each VA two Pilots could join. The best flying Pilot will be awarded.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Israel Online Evening

Come and join us to amazing flight in the Israeli airspace !

For more information click here.

18:00 - Caribbean Feeling

Dear IVAO members,
the Divisions and OIFs of the whole CARIBBEAN AREA invite you to this great event on Saturday, March 16th 2013 from 18 until 21 Zulu.

Enjoy the Caribbean Feeling and the great Destinations. We will offer you excellent ATC on the best places in that Area. At the eastern part the French overseas islands - at the western part Mexico - North you will find Miami staffed - in the South Colombia and Venezuela are awaiting you.

For more information click here.