04:30 - Flying The Red Centre


Flying The Red Centre

Begin: 16.05.2015 04:30z

Until: 16.05.2015 08:00z

Allowed Aircraft: ALL TYPES WELCOME

Departure Airport(s): YPDN

Arrival Airport(s): YAYE VIA YBAS


It's May, It's Madness, It's Time to fly!

We Invite all Members of RallyeAir, Australian Virtual Airlines, IVAO Australia
and IVAO to our MAY MADNESS 2015!

In the second of our May Madness series of events, we will be flying through the
red centre of Australia with a flight from Darwin YPDN to Alice Springs YBAS. We
will then take off from Alice Springs YBAS and fly to the spirital centre of
Australia, Uluru also known as Ayers Rock YAYE.

All participants will fly both flights and there is a prize involved for one
lucky and creative participant through a screenshot competition!


On our way into Ayers Rock Airport YAYE, take a slight detour and fly over
Uluru, get a screenshot of your aircraft and submit the screenshot for your
chance to win. The competition will be judged by three Judges.

The prize for the winning screenshot is a software addon download of the winners
choice from The FlightSim Store up to the value of $80 AUD

For more information click here.

10:00 - [FR] 24H of Mérignac (LFBD)

Full ATC service during 24h non stop at Bordeaux Merignac (LFBD)

For more information click here.



Every Saturday 17:00 Zulu, members of the Algerian Division are invited to communicate only using English phraseology. everybody is welcome to fly in our skies to discover the talent of the most active division in Africa.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

17:00 - [IL] Israel Online Day

The Israel division invites you to join us in our main weekly event called the "Shabat Flight", which means Saturday flight. The event usually starts at 17:00 UTC (While DST: 16:00 UTC) for three hours until 21:00 UTC (23:00 UTC+2). During the event we encourage all pilot members and controllers to join. Each week we also select a special mission or theme to make the event interesting and challenging. You are welcomed to fly with us over the amazing sites in Israel: over the skies of the Mediterranean sea, the Negev desert or the lowest point on earth by the Dead Sea! Choose one of our main airports (Ben-Gurion, Eilat, Ovda, Haifa, etc..) or one of our deserted land strips, download the scenery and join us. See you in the sky! IVAO-IL team.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [US] RFE San Francisco

The United States division will handle out a Real Flight Event (RFE) in San Francisco (KSFO/SFO) airport in Saturday, May 16th, 2015, from 1700Z (1000AM PDT) to 2300Z (1600PM PDT). We have a lot of flights available to give you a most realistic experience as possible, with plenty of traffic and ATC service.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Egypt Online Night

Weekly Egypt Online Saturday event.

For more information click here.