Chile Online Day takes place every Sunday from 00:01z. Come and join us, full ATC coverage service and a escalated rate of pilots in the skies.

We hope see you there.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [17 JUL | 16z - 19z] [DE] Bremen - back to the roots

We would like to invite you to a special kind of event.
On 17.07.2022 between 1600z and 1900z we will host our Bremen - back to the roots event.
Enjoy flying in and out off Bremen while trying to feel the aviation of the past.
We’d love to see you fly from or to Bremen, especially if you come using older aircraft and long forgotten airlines!

For more information click here.

20:00 - [17 JUL | 16z - 20z] [HQ] Discover Albania

The IVAO Events Department is pleased to present the third edition in 2022 of our most special series: Discover IVAO. In this edition, let's explore the wonders of civilization in the Balkans with: The Discover Albania.

For more information click here.

23:00 - [17 JUL | 20z - 23z] [CU] Bidirectional Cayería Norte-Sur V2

The Cuban division of IVAO wants to invite you to participate in the event, "Cayería Norte-Sur V2" , You will be able to fly in visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules (IFR) between the airports of Cayo Coco [MUCC] and Cayo Largo Sur [MUCL] or control one of them for a period of no less than 1 hour (60 min) to obtain the divisional prize.

For more information click here.