08:00 - [IL] Tel-Aviv Real Flight Event!


Dear Pilots,

We would like to invite you to our annual summer event: TEL-AVIV RFE!


IVAO Israel presents: a Rush Day, not a single moment of silent, Tel Aviv is becoming real than ever.

On this time, the event will be on Tel-Aviv's two airports! Ben Gurion Intl' airport (LLBG) and Sde-Dov airport (LLSD).

On Sunday, the July 19th 2015, on one of the busiest days of the year in real life in Tel-Aviv, When the city's two airports are getting overloaded!


Endless amount of flights, spread on two airports , you'll have so many option the only drawback you'll find is how to choose where to fly...

Our professional ATC service, as always will be there to provide the best possible ATC.

On most of the event, most of the FIRs from Europe to Israel will be manned too.

All you have left is to book your flight, fly, and claim your awards.


So rush to the booking site, and we'll see you at 19.07.15 in Tel Aviv.

Click here to get to the Booking System

All the information you need is on our RFE System, check it out.. The system it has some cool things like automatic flight updates and more..

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE+CO] SKRG-SVVA Air Bridge

Hello guys! The IVAO Venezuela and Colombia Events Department is pleased to invite you this July 19th at 1900z to our next event named "Air Bridge" from Rio Negro (Colombia) to Valencia (Venezuela). This event consists on flying from Rio Negro (Colombia) to Valencia (Venezuela) with ANY type of aircrafts. We are expecting a huge participation in this event!.

For more information click here.

19:00 - Discover the Channel Islands

IVAO UK & Ireland[/b] as well as IVAO France are pleased to announce a unique event !

On Sunday 19th July 2015 from 19z until 21z, Jersey, Gurnesey and Alderney as well as Cherbourg and Dinard in Northern France will be opened allowing you to discover the north of France and the Channel Islands in a different prospective.

We are allowing you to fly VFR between the airfields allowing you to see the scenery that is around the Channel Islands as well as around Normandy which was the location for one of the main events of World War 2.

Now Normandy has some beautify scenic areas which we are allowing you to view for yourselves whilst flying VFR between the Channel Islands and Normandy.

For more information click here.