09:00 - [AT] 10 Hours Austria Fly In

On 19 October 2013 from 0900Z until 1900Z the Austrian Division invites you to the 10 Hours Austria Fly In.
In the time of the Event there will be a special Event Tour to discover all six major Austrian Airports released.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [IL] GA On Demand #2

Between every two weeks and once a month on Saturday night (1600z) the IL Division is doing a local event called "GA On Demand":

The event is a local GA event with the local Israeli procuderes.

The events topics:

General Aviation:?navigation between airports according to path (CVFR / IFR).

Flight jobs:?Tasks like air-tractors flights, air taxis, cloud seeding, etc..

Flight Challenge:?flights under various restrictions and more.

GA On Demand #2 - 19.10.13

Following the high demand, it was decided to redo a standard "General Aviation" Flight as last time. (In GA On Demand #3 we'll start to challenge you in a bit more?:)?)

In addition, after the success of the first event in the series - we decided to publish the event also to foreign pilots.

Note that you have to fly according to the local flight rules! for more info:?http://www.ivao.org.il/ivao/flightops/local-procedures.html?and for CVFR info:?http://www.ivao.org.il/ivao/flightops/cvfr.html.

Click on "More Information" to the full event page!

For more information click here.

18:00 - Egyptian division online day

IVAO Egyptian Division presents an Online Day every Saturday at 1800z ,Great coverage of ATC with great service,

Come and fly in

For more information click here.