04:00 - Australia Online

Welcome to Australia Online.

Today's Sunday Online flight will take place between YPAD and YSSY. All members are welcome to join in.

Lets come along and enjoy the event whilst supporting your local division.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

For more information click here.

13:00 - IT - Roma Caput Mundi RFE

After the successful 2012 edition, one of the most important and beautiful event of the Italian division returns: the Roma Caput Mundi - Real Flight Event will take place on Sunday, April 21st 2013 from 13 UTC to 19 UTC at the airports of Rome Fiumicino (LIRF) and Rome Ciampino (LIRA).

With more than 300 real inbound and outbound flights you can book throughout 6 hours with full ATC service, this event will be an exciting Sunday for all pilots and ATC participating.

Using the Real Timetable you have the possibility to book the flight/s that you would like to fly duing the event (of course avoiding to overlap the booked flights).

For more information click here.

17:00 - Trondheim - Billund LegoBridge

A joint flying event by IVAO Denmark and IVAO Norway OIF on Sunday, April 21st

Billund, the home of the first Legoland park in the world, is one destination of the second event in
the Scandinavian Friendship Events series 2013.

Get your wings on April 21, 2013, and bring passengers and lego bricks to Billund,
or fly them home to Trondheim...

For more information click here.

17:00 - Swedish Onlineday

The Swedish Division would like to invite you to our weekly Onlineday. Come and enjoy our beautiful Country. We will start at 17z.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Norwegian Online Sunday

Come and fly to one of the most beautiful countrys of the world!
Fly IFR across the Mountains or VFR over our Fjords.
Snow, Rain, Storms, Sun and Aurora's, we provide all kinds of weather in Norwegian airspace.
Just Fly Norway, You are welcome!

For more information click here.