00:00 - [AR] ONLINE DAY

Every Saturday IVAO Argentina will hold an Online Day Event - We are waiting for you

Saturdays from 00:00z to 23:59z - Peak Hour: 18:00z to 21:00z

For more information click here.

16:00 - [XN] Nordic Evening

Every Saturday the Nordic Region will staff as much of the Nordic region as possible for all members to enjoy great service and scenery.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [BR] Discover Triângulo Mineiro

The IVAO Brasil Events Department is glad to present the Discover Triângulo Mineiro, another event in the Discover event series, our divisional event series that aims to bring uncommon locations on our division's everyday operation to the main stage.

In this version, we offer the Triângulo Mineiro as the place to be discovered. "Triângulo Mineiro" is an important region located on the state of Minas Gerais. The location features some notable cities, such as: Uberlândia, Uberaba, Araguari, among many more.

Not only an economic success! The region is widely known for its beautiful nature. The mountais in it make flying over the region an unforgettable experience.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE] Venezuela Online Day

The Venezuela Division wants to invite you to participate in its weekly event "Online Day Venezuela"
with full control in Venezuela.
We are waiting for you, we are counting on you!

For more information click here.