00:00 - [ES] Online Day

It is finally Friday... and now what!?
Well, you can connect as a controller or as a pilot in our ONLINE DAY.
It is our day, choose your airport to control, or prepare that flight plan you were waiting to make and activate ONLINE mode.
There are always positions occupied and a multitude of flights underway.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [21 JUN | 15z - 17z] [IR+TR] Weekend with Persian Tour "13th Leg of Iran IFR Tour 2024"

In the year 2024 the Iran Division of IVAO will host weekly events featuring IFR 2024 tour routes will take place and this leg is with cooperation of Turkey division

For more information click here.

18:00 - [21 JUN | 18z - 22] [HQ+LB+DZ+EG+GR+TN] Airplane Mode

We are thrilled to announce this special event, first of a long series that will evolve around the mediterranean sea.
With 11 controlled airports, including 294 IFR and 50 VFR slots, there are a total of 344 slots up for grabs.

For more information click here.