11:00 - [24-FEB | 11z] [RU] TJO. STEP 2!

Dear IVAO members,

Russian division is glad to present you the first Russian Aviation Championship, as known in Europe as KUMI, but we called him in a different way - "TJO". This is an abridged interpretation of the phrase "Tell a joke". Sense in that the last pilot had flown after everyone tells a joke in aviation subjects (anecdote, mems, jokes, etc.).
Okay. You may ask: "Hmm, what about winners? They will also have something to say?"
No! Our beautiful enthusiasts prepared a small but pleasant prizes for pilots, taking the first three places.

TJO has a second name(in Russia), better known on the previous year - "Zigel Zigel Ai Lu Lu" and consists of a 22-steps(!). An event will be held during the whole year, from 10.02.2013 till 01.12.2013.
Oh, don't try to translate "Zigel..." to any languages , it's a fictional phrase from old Soviet movie, which means "quickly".

Basic data:
- The day of event - Sunday;
- Periodicity - 1 time per two weeks;
- Time - time "X" in the period from 11:00 to 18:00 UTC, reportedly by organisers not earlier than 24 hours and no later than 15 hours before an event in UTC format;
- Location - the airport, reportedly by organisers not earlier than 24 hours and not later than 15 hours before an event in UTC format;
Purpose - as close as possible to land at the appointed time "X" at the published destination airport (time and airport of departure on your choice, captains )

Terms of the championship:
- The place of the first stage is appointed by organisers, information will also be reported not earlier than 24 hours and not later than 15 hours before an event;
- Location of the next stage is determined by the winner of last TJO step.
Airport selection condition: 1) there must be free access for three major sceneries - Flight Simulator FS9, FSX and X-plane (at least for FS9 and X-plane);
2) airport for the next stage will be reported by winner of last step by "PM" or Skype of organisers - demon_ronin, ru-soac@ivao.aero not later than one week before the next step.
- The city of tournament - airports of the Russian Federation, active divisions of Ukraine(with their approval) and Belarus(with their approval), as well as in Kazakhstan(free area), etc.
- NOTE. Time "X". main element of the championship, which assigmed by organisers. The departure time is calculated yourself by captain to arrive at their destination on time "X"
Rating of participants.
- We will award a points for the first seven places of each stage:
I ? place 10 points.
II ? place 8 points.
III ? place 6 points.
IV ? place 4 points.
V ? place 3 points.
VI ? place 2 points.
VII ? place 1 point.
- Additional Scoring - long range bonus(from your airport to TJO destination):
300-500 Nm +1 point;
500-1000 Nm +2 points;
1000-1500 Nm +3 points;
over 1500 Nm +4 points,
Only 7 pilots are able to catch the long range bonus!

- any aircrafts on your choice;
- properly and completely filled flight plan according IFR or VFR rules is required;
- flight carried out according to filed flight plan;
- is prohibited to corrections into flight plan during the flight;
- flights like "local circuit pattern" and something like this are allowed, but remember - you can't get the long range bonus and not get that feeling when you calculate EET (estimated time enroute );
- For controllers on TJO airport FIR. "Proceed direct" without pilot request is required.
Note! Set "TJORU step X" in remarks of FP, where X - number of step. This will allow us to see participants

Idea - Dmitry Kazimir

*We added a special ability to our division webpage. There you can monitor a results of championship.


Step 2 will be held tomorrow, 24th February in Moscow, Vnukovo airport(UUWW).
Time "X" - 1100UTC
Bring your wings and calculate the land time near the time "X" better than other pilots.
Prove your supremacy and earn reward points

Good luck!

For more information click here.

13:00 - The Atlantic Crossing

We are pleased to announce that one of the biggest events on IVAO is returning! We will again be departing from all over Europe as a number of divisions, including as far as Greece join up for what is set to be an extremely busy event.

As usual, IVAO US and CA have agreed to provide aerodrome and en-route control for our arrivals into KIAD and KPHL.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Danish Online Day

Danish Online Day.

Our online day will be held every sunday, from 18z. Come and enjoy this day with professional danish ATC's.

You can find informations and briefings for our airports, on our website, and you can find the charts aswell.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Swedish Online Day

The Swedish Online day is now at tthe Sunday evening. Come and join. Our Neighbours will also held their day. So why not fly VFR outbound ESMS over the Sund to beautifull DK.
May be you like more IFR then come on and Move your Wings Outbound somewhere in Danmark and visit Sweden. We all look forward to see you in the Sky.
Enjoy Scandinavia

For more information click here.