00:00 - [FR] Marseille Provence RFE

The FIR of Marseille is glad to propose you this Real Flight Event on the Marseille Provence airport !
Come to take advantage of a complete ATC coverage by immersing you in the conditions of real and atypical traffic of this airport, do not hesitate to reserve your flight on pages "Departures" or "Arrival" of the site as soon as it will be on-line.

For more information click here.

11:00 - [ID] Jakarta Real Operation 2014

IVAO Indonesia would like to present Jakarta Real Ops 2014.
This event will simulate the real Soekarno Hatta International Airport operation during 6 hours started at 11:00 UTC.
More than 200 flights schedule are available inbound/outbound including domestic and international flights.
Full Air Traffic Services will coverage all Jakarta FIR provided by IVAO Indonesia.

For more information click here.

12:00 - [PT] Fly In Lisboa Champions League Final

Dear Members,

The 2014 Champions League Football Final will take place in Lisboa next 24th of May at Est?dio da Luz. In real life, thousands of football fans arrive in Lisboa to watch this game live in the stadium.

On May 24th 2014, from 1200z to 1800z, we invite you to fly to Lisboa to participate in this spectacular Champions League Final Fly In.

The Portuguese division will host this event in order to simulate traffic in and out from Lisboa Portela Airport. This is one real life challenge for the airport due to the extreme amount of traffic arriving and departing in
short intervals where a landing or departure will occur every 55 seconds!

In the virtual environment, we will try to make the events very close to reality! Fly from anywhere in the world to Lisboa, the city where the heart of football will throb, bring your fans and celebrate the festival of football...

For more information click here.

15:00 - [MA] Casablanca OVERLOAD

In collaboration with Royal Air Maroc Virtual, the Moroccan Division, proudly presents you Casablanca Overload. With hundreds of flights every day, Casablanca Mohamed V, is the biggest airport in Morocco, and one of the largest airports in Africa. It will be the best around! Don?t miss out.

For more information click here.

15:00 - [ES-PT] Final Champions League

The Events Department of IVAO Spain presents the "Final Champions League", event which will be celebrated the next Saturday, May the 24th. The team Real Madrid, which has achieved the highest continental title in nine ocasions, comes back to this final after twelve years since their last time and the team Atl?tico does it after forty years from the time they lost against the Bayern, on tiebrake. It's the first time that we can watch two teams from the same city fighting for the title in the definite match. Real Madrid and Atl?tico coincided in the European Cup/Champions League semifinals 55 years ago. Let's all go to Lisbon to see which one rises up victorious. From 15.00 until 18.00 UTC, all pilots and controlers will enjoy an intense arrival to Lisbon (LPPT) from Madrid (LEMD).

IVAO-ES Events Department
Alex Pacheco (ES-EC)
Josep Vargas (ES-EAC)

For more information click here.

16:00 - [IL] Israel Online Evening

The Israel division invites you to join us in our main weekly event called the "Shabat Flight", which means Saturday flight.

The event usually starts at 17:00 UTC (While DST: 16:00 UTC) for three hours until 21:00 UTC (23:00 UTC+2).
During the event we encourage all pilot members and controllers to join.
Each week we also select a special mission or theme to make the event interesting and challenging.

You are welcomed to fly with us over the amazing sites in Israel: over the skies of the Mediterranean sea, the Negev desert or the lowest point on earth by the Dead Sea!

Choose one of our main airports (Ben-Gurion, Eilat, Ovda, Haifa, etc..) or one of our deserted land strips, download the scenery and join us.
See you in the sky!

IVAO-IL team.

For more information click here.

16:30 - [IR] Liberation day of Khorramshahr Group Flight

We are proud to announce one more weekly group flight. Bring your wings and join us in week 28 of our group flights which will be held on the liberation day of Khorramshahr.

Week 28:

Departure: Birjand (OIMB)

Destination: Ahwaz (OIAW)


Date: 24 May 2014 (The annual anniversary of Liberation of Khorramshahr)

Time: 9:00 pm local, 16:30 UTC

Briefing starts at 8:30 at our TS3 server

For more information click here.

17:00 - [GB] UK Online Night

Welcome to the official event page for our UK Online Nights. After a successful 2013 make sure you join us to make 2014 even better!

Saturday is a very busy night for the majority of Europe on IVAO, make sure you join us by either departing or arriving into the UK so you don't miss out on what we have to offer.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egyptian Online Day

IVAO Egyptian Division presents an Online Day every Saturday at 1800z ,Great coverage of ATC with great service,

Come and fly in

For more information click here.

19:00 - [AR] Argentina Online Day

Come and join us on our new Online Day! Every Saturdays from 19Z.

For more information click here.