17:00 - Hungarian Online Day

Welcome to Hungarian sky! Fly in, fly out or fly trough of hungarian airspace. Our Controllers are waiting for you! Enjoy our biggest airport Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (LHBP) or our two smaller but nice airport Balaton (LHSM) or Debrecen (LHDC). Fly VFR over the Danube or visit our biggest lake Balaton (east from LHSM).

For more information click here.

17:00 - New line of Bulgarian Air between Sofia and Budapest

Dear Pilots,

We would like to invite you, to the Sofia-Budapest event.
The Bulgarian Air start a regular flight between Sofia and Budapest!
Join us on the 24th June 2013 starting at 17:00 UTC (1800L) and fly between Sofia and Budapest.

For more information click here.

18:00 - Austrian Division Onlineday

The Austrian Online Day takes place every Monday @1800z, with a maximum of ATC positions open for you. Especially in winter session, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while flying through the heart of the alps.

For more information click here.

19:00 - Spanish Online Night

Spanish Online Night is celebrated every Monday, from 20.00 to 00.00 UTC (from 19.00 to 23.00 UTC during Summer Time). Fly to Spain and enjoy one of the best ATC services of our network. Many ATC and pilots are waiting for you!

For more information click here.

19:00 - [IT] Italian Online Day

IVAO Italy Division presents the Italian Online Day. More traffic then usual and a good ATC coverage for you to enjoy your flights in Italian skies. We're waiting for you, every Monday!

For more information click here.