04:00 - Australia Online Sunday Brisbane to Melbourne

Welcome to Sunday Australia Online.

Fly from Brisbane Queensland to Melbourne Victoria.

Please be online 15 minutes beforehand & plan on pushing off around 04:00z.

Charts http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/dap/AeroProcChartsTOC.htm

Winds http://aviationweather.gov/data/iffdp/2783.gif

Satellite Photo http://aviationweather.gov/data/obs/sat/intl/ir_ICAO-E_bw.jpg

Hope to see you there !!.

For more information click here.

06:00 - [SI] During the 6Z in10z invite you to a morning coffee in Ljubljana

ATC Fully staffed
Come and join us for morning coffee.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [DE] Stuttgart Slot Event

We would likt to welcome you in Stuttgart (EDDS).

There are more than 190 slots available between 16 and 20z.

Come and join for our great event!

For more information click here.

19:00 - [AR] Revolucion de Mayo - SAEZ Fly In

The event will be on May 25th from 1900z until 2100z and it consist in fly any route departing from one of the 23 Capital Cities (listed below) with SAEZ (Ezeiza Intl) as final destination; as usual we guarantee you the most extended ATC coverage possible for the event.

For more information click here.