00:00 - [VE] "Fly in to Josefa Camejo"

We invite you to participate a the "Fly in to Josefa Camejo" event, which consist about leave the Simon Bolivar International Airport (SVMI) and reach the Josefa Camejo International Airport (SVJC) located in Paraguana, Venezuela.

For more information click here.

13:00 - [KW] Gulf Cub VFR Trial Event: Calling All Piper J-3 Cubs (Cessna 172 or similar welcome too)

A VFR Adventure to remember!

Ladies and gentleman, this last minute VFR event trial (experiement) was squeezed in when an event slot became available less than 24hrs before the event.

Do you love or are you intrigued by VFR flight? Did you jump right into Jets on the simulator and ignored the single-engine slooow planes and never looked back yet? Not very realistic you know!

Here is your chance to go back to the basics and experience flight as it should be experienced! Fly along birds (at very very slow speed) with the famous Piper Cub J-3 Single Engine plane (Cessna 172 or comparable also welcome, but with special considerations and VFR route due to the difference in speeds, but we promise still fun).

Time: 13z-15z.

Location: Start at OKBK Kuwait Intl Airport and return about 90minutes later.

Weather: If weather visibility/winds is an issue, we recommend you disable weather and set it to clear skies, unless you are ok doing aerobatic stuff!!

Route: Exit the OKBK circuit into the North East (at or above 2500') towards Kuwait city landmarks and Kuwait Towers (If you install the free KW division OKBK FSX Scenery you will actually see them.

Then take a look into the east towards the Gulf and spot Failaka Island (or use GPS for assistance)

Head towards Failaka Island and make a clock-wise tour around its northern shore-line (Cessna 172s due to their speed will need to take two rounds around the Island while avoiding the slow Cubs visually!)

Then head back to OKBK for a landing and parking at the Shiekh Saad Terminal for GA parking.

So stay tuned and check again before the event time as we are preparing the pilot briefing (including GPS Fligh plan files for those who need the extra hand to assist develop their VFR skills). Even if we don't upload it on time, that'll add to the sense of adventure! You can handle it. It's just VFR after all.. or is it!

Update: Flight Plan files generated for those who need GPS help/guidance to follow the planned path . Available for fs9,fsx and Xplane: GPS Flight Plans

For now, be sure you review Rules of the Air to avoid misfortune (like slamming into each other)

Note/Award: We thought we'd take this change of a last minute open slot to organize this last-minute "trial" event as we have much bigger plans for annual Gulf Cub event in Kuwait, including custom scenery for later. Still, come and get an upper hand now by getting accustomed early. As a thank you for participation, pilots will receive 1 point towards the KW Pilot Event Award (fill the KW http://tours.ivao.aero to get the point)

For more information click here.

18:00 - Ivao Chile Festeja sus Fechas Patria

Ven a disfrutar de este evento en celebración de todos los chilenos en sus fechas patrias volando y controlando en los cielos virtuales

For more information click here.

18:00 - [CL] IVAO CHILE Celebra sus Fechas Patrias

Estimados miembros,

- El Departamento de Eventos de IVAO Chile los invita al “IVAO CHILE Festeja Sus Fechas Patrias”

- El Evento se realizará saliendo desde cualquier aeropuerto de chile, y llegando al Aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez (SCEL)

- El mismo consiste en cualquier tipo de vuelo (IFR,VFR, Y, Z)

-El Vuelo Debe Durar Mínimo 1 Hora para valer el Punto y todos llegando a SCEL

- Categoría de Aeronaves (Light, Medium, Heavy)

For more information click here.

19:00 - [DZ] Algerian Online Day


IVAO Algerian Division presents an Online Day every Friday at 1900z.
Great coverage of ATC with great service.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

20:00 - [NC] New Caledonia Online Day

you're all welcome to fly in New Caledonia sky,

All New Caledonia charts are available here

For more information click here.