00:00 - Senegalese Online DAY

We are very welcome all traffic to our online day on every Saturday 12:00-00:00Z, and don't forget to report your flight at MODA system. Achieve 10 times and get Division Online Day Award.

For more information click here.

00:00 - [XG + TR] Doha to Istanbul Airbridge

Cross the skies departing from Doha to Istanbul take your departure slot from 13z to 15z and don't miss your schedule land from 17z to 19z. Together let's overload the sectors!

For more information click here.

08:00 - Schiphol RFE

One of the biggest events within The Netherlands Division is almost there. The Schiphol RFE with over 2000 flights over 2 days to choose from. BOOK YOUR FLIGHT NOW!!!

For more information click here.

10:00 - [XZ]Jeremy Rochefort Memorial Flight

Jeremy Rochefort Memorial Flight

For more information click here.

16:00 - [MA] online day Morocco

WELCOME in online day in morocco airspace ;)

For more information click here.



Every Saturday 17:00 Zulu, members of the Algerian Division are invited to communicate only using English phraseology. everybody is welcome to fly in our skies to discover the talent of the most active division in Africa.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

17:00 - [XM] Middle East Region Online Day

Expect our airspace to be alive and operative every Saturday from 1700z to 2100z. Don't forget that if you participate in 25 online days you will receive the (Online Day Award).

For more information click here.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [HU] Hungarian Online Evening

Fly to the fully staffed Hungary FIR, every Saturday, and report your leg to the MODA system.
Hope to see you there.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [XA] North America Online Day

North America Online Day - Every Saturday from 19:00Z to 21:00Z. Please book your ATC position here: https://www.ivao.aero/atcss/default.asp

For more information click here.