15:30 - [IR]Iran Norooz Program: Shiraz Fly-In/Out

IVAO IRAN Norooz program part 2 : Shiraz Fly-In/Out

OISS - Shiraz


20:00IRST - 23:00IRST

For more information click here.

16:00 - [RU]Russian Online Day

Russian Division presents the Russian Online Day. More traffic then usual and good ATC coverage. We're waiting for you, every Thursday!

For more information click here.

18:30 - [AT+CZ] Triangle Groupflight

Dear Pilots,

on the 26th of March 2015 the Austrian and the Czech Divisions organised an Trinagle Groupflight.

You have the unique chance to fly from Klagenfurt (LOWK) to Praha (LKPR) and back to Graz (LOWG) with full ATC coverage.

For more information click here.