00:00 - Norwegian Online Sunday

Come and fly to one of the most beautiful countrys of the world!
Fly IFR across the Mountains or VFR over our Fjords.
Snow, Rain, Storms, Sun and Aurora's, we provide all kinds of weather in Norwegian airspace.
Just Fly Norway, You are welcome!

For more information click here.

00:00 - Slovakia Sunday Online Day

Take your flights over Slovakia.

For more information click here.

03:00 - Indonesia Training Day Event 2013

IVAO Indonesia will held Training Day Event in 2 days on July 2013. This Event has presented by IVAO Indonesia Training Department and to serve members with Pilot Basic Training theory and also Practical.

For more information click here.

17:00 - Danish Online Day

Danish Online Day.

Our online day will be held every sunday, from 18z. Come and enjoy this day with professional danish ATC's.

You can find informations and briefings for our airports, on our website, and you can find the charts aswell.

For more information click here.