04:00 - [29 JUN | 04z - 21z] [DE+HQ] Frankfurt RFE 2024

Frankfurt is calling!

We´re delighted to announce Frankfurt RFE 2024! On 29th June 2024 in between 4z to 21z prepare yourself for the annual highlight around Frankfurt! Including more than 1000 flights we offer an immense selection for pilots to book their flights. Controllers will provide service live from Frankfurt Egelsbach for 17hours! Join this unique event and enjoy a fantastic day in the virtual skies around Frankfurt (EDDF).

For more information click here.

13:00 - 02/03/2024 13:00:00

1.1 Award given to any PILOT or ATC that has participated in 25 OnLine days sessions.
1.2 All Saturdays from 13:00z to 23:59z
1.3 Peak Hour: 18:00z to 21:00z
1.4 Only flights within Argentine territory will be valid.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [29 JUN | 11z -16z] [XE+IN] Hong Kong - Kolkata Airbridge

East Asia and India division are delighted to present the Hong Kong - Kolkata Airbridge.

For more information click here.

18:00 - 18:00 - [CU] CUBA ONLINE DAY

Every Saturday between 1800z and 0200z (peak time between 2100z and 0000z) you can fly and/or control to obtain a maximum of (2) points, one for control and one for flight to hold the medal. We hope for a good influx of traffic and ATC service. Do your bit too!

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE] Venezuela Online Day

The Venezuela Division wants to invite you to participate in its weekly event "Online Day Venezuela"
with full control in Venezuela.
We are waiting for you!!!

For more information click here.

21:00 - [29 JUN | 21z - 01z] [PE+CL+BO] Mega Online Day

Peru Mega Online Day with colaboration of the divisions of Chile and Bolivia.

For more information click here.

21:00 - [29 JUN | 21z - 22z] [AR] Ushuaia to Alaska LEG 13 - Group Flight

This tour includes 21 Legs, from Ushuaia to Alaska and if you complete at least 10 of them in a Group Way, you will be awarded the “Division Spirit” Award at the end of the tour.

For more information click here.