08:00 - [BE] Live IVAO Presentation at Kiewit Open House Days

IVAO Belgium will be giving live demonstrations during the real Kiewit Open House Days which are held at the local airfield of Aero Kiewit on 29th and 30th August 2015
From 0800z till 1700z we will be doing live ATC for EBBR. COme and bring your wings if you want to help and promote IVAO to the wide public.

Hope to see you there :)

For more information click here.



Every Saturday 17:00 Zulu, members of the Algerian Division are invited to communicate only using English phraseology. everybody is welcome to fly in our skies to discover the talent of the most active division in Africa.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

17:00 - [IL] Israel Online Day

The Israel division invites you to join us in our main weekly event called the "Shabat Flight", which means Saturday flight. The event usually starts at 17:00 UTC (While DST: 16:00 UTC) for three hours until 21:00 UTC (23:00 UTC+2). During the event we encourage all pilot members and controllers to join. Each week we also select a special mission or theme to make the event interesting and challenging. You are welcomed to fly with us over the amazing sites in Israel: over the skies of the Mediterranean sea, the Negev desert or the lowest point on earth by the Dead Sea! Choose one of our main airports (Ben-Gurion, Eilat, Ovda, Haifa, etc..) or one of our deserted land strips, download the scenery and join us. See you in the sky! IVAO-IL team.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [GB] Isle of Man Fly-In

IVAO UK and Ireland are pleased to announce our latest event. Following the fantastic success of our Essex Overload, we have decided that this time we are heading to a much smaller airport on the Isle of Man, Ronaldsway. On Saturday 29th August from 18z until 21z, Ronaldsway will be fully staffed to allow the chance of flying some different types of aircraft.

For more information click here.


Dear IVAO Members
The Egyptian Division pleased to Announce New Event which is
that will take place on 29 of August From 18:00Z To 22:00Z , Come and Fly to Cairo from any Airport of your choice to Celebrate with us .All IFR and VFR traffic is welcome .
An small Vector scenery for the new Suez canal will be given as a gift to u .

We hope to see as much members as possible!
Let's fly and make sky crowded !

If you have any questions or inquiries , please contact EG Event Department [ eg-ec@ivao.aero , eg-eac@ivao.aero ]

All Information is also available on the ( EG Fourm )

For more information click here.

19:00 - [CL] Chile Online Day

El departamento de evento de IVAO-CL, se complace en anunciar el ONLINE DAY, que se trata de un evento todos los sabados desde las 19Z, con Full ATC y en el que tambien podras controlar en la posicion que prefieras, podras pilotar la aeronave que desees a todos los destinos que quieras, ven y animate con nosotros a disfrutar de Control ATC y vuelo en los cielos virtuales que IVAO Chile te da

For more information click here.