IVAO Events Department



Lukla and Surrounding Area

Kathmandu to Lukla

Unofficial Lukla Visual Approach Chart

Kathmanu (VNKT) Charts

Mountain Flying Guide


When arriving at Lukla, you will be instructed to contact VNLK_APP - Lukla Approach. This will be a non-radar position and will only exist for the purposes of:

Lukla Approach will not be providing any radar services including traffic information or radar vectors.

Once your slot is available, Lukla Approach will advise you that you are "number one" and instruct you to contact VNLK_TWR. You may then proceed direct to the airfield and contact the tower.

Lukla Tower will operate like any other VFR ATC tower you may be familiar with except, there is no pattern or circuit due to the terrain. All approaches will be straight in. The tower will also assign you a parking position prior to landing. As the positions are not numbered, it will be a simple instruction to use the upper parking area or the lower parking area.

Once you have reached your parking area, you may start to "unload" your cargo and contact the ramp control - VNLK_GND. The ground controller will already have basic information such as your time of arrival but you will need to provide the following information for your "load ticket:"These items will be checked against real-world data to ensure the following:


Once you have unloaded your cargo and you are READY to depart, contact the ramp control - VNLK_GND and advise them that you are ready. The ramp controller will again record your time off so that we ensure you have not exceeded the 15 minute window that you are allowed. Please do not report ready until no sooner than five minutes prior to your scheduled departure slot. The ramp controller will then hand you over to the tower controller for taxi/sequencing.

The tower controller will then tell you when you may taxi to the runway and line up. Once in position, the tower controller - VNLK_TWR will assign you an altitude and heading to follow once airborne to get you onto a departure corridor. Once airborne, you will be handed over to departure - VNLK_APP who will provide you with instructions for departing the area and back into the hands of Kathmandu Center - VNSM_CTR.

General Frequencies

Air Traffic Controllers

Air Traffic Controllers for this event will be hand-picked by the events department from all divisions to ensure that you will be receiving top-notch service.


The prize structure is as follows:


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