Welcome to Teamspeak pages. Here you'll find
manuals to learn "How connect to IVAO TeamSpeak servers". You
have in the menu a link to a page with Rules to use TeamSpeak.
Don't hesitate contact our staff members if you have doubts about
the use of this new software.
TEAMSPEAK is now the official voice program
Q: Why is voice quality very bad on IVATBE
A: If not for ATC in Belgium, PLEASE connect to another server, it
has only a small capacity, so max. 30 users!! Controllers, please
check the who's connected, to find end select the server with the
fewest users on it.
Q :RWTS does not switch channels when using SB
A : First check:
1. 'Use Roger Wilco' must be checked in SB when connecting to the
2. The controller must have something like xx.ts.ivao.aero/xxxx_xxx
(server/channel) as the first line in his ATIS and be online on that
TS-server and on that channel
If still not working, reinstall the software :
0. deinstall RW, TS and RWTS (run RWTS to deinstall it)
1. make sure you have the RW version from IVAO
download site installed
2. make sure you have the TS version from IVAO
download site installed
3. download RWTS and put RWTS.EXE in a folder
4. run RWTS
5. DO NOT delete RWTS from the folder