The revision of this sectorfile format applies to IvAc v1.0.2 or higher.
v1.04: some changes for backward compability with ProController.
v1.03: added predefined colors for appron and pier.
v1.02: added notes to airways
v1.01: runway heading requires to be the magnetic runway heading.
v1.00: initial version, based on ProController 2.2 format.
General Remarks
Sectorfiles are simple text files formatted much like a Windows INI files
and can be created/edited with any text editor (such as notepad or DOS's edit):
Run your sectorfile through the sectorfile validator of IvAc.
The IvAc format is based on the ProController 2.2 sectorfile format, this means IvAc 1.0 files should be readable in
ProController 2.2.
You may add comments to your file by placing a semicolon in front of your comment.
Spacing is very critical, read the notes, it says how many characters each line must have. In the example file the
first line in each section shows the format each line must have:
- = Digit, * = Space, N = North position, E = East position.
Tabs and embedded special characters will cause serious problems, so do not use them.
It is recommended that you use identifier co-ordinates defined in VORs, Airports or Fixes since if you make
an error in one of those co-ordinates your airways or ARTCCs will automatically reflect the change when you correct
A lot of info can be found on the Sector System:
ARTCC-borders, airport-info and so on. If you find any differences with your data, please report them, so they can
be verified and corrected.
Seperate data not actualy belonging to the main region of the sectorfor that is being created, by some comments.
This can include nearby Airports, VORs, NDBs, Aiways, etc. This way several sectorfiles can easily be merged to a
larger region (Europe f.i.). For ARTCC-sectorfiles, it's recommended to include the surrounding FIRs and the main
nearby Aiports and VORs in those FIRs.
Points that need special attention in this text are marked in red, those that are
strongly recommended in green.
You may also add constants to use in your sector file. These are handy for defining colors or commonly used values,
IvAc ONLY supports them for colors. Defines can be places anywhere in the sectorfile, but a value can only be used
below where it is defined, so it is advised to place all defines here, in the beginning of the file.
IvAc has a small extention on ProController, some names are predefined and thus ignored by IvAc:
coast: color for the coastlines.
danger: color for danger areas.
restricted: color for restricted areas. Deprecated
restrict: color for restricted areas.
prohibited: color for prohibited areas. Deprecated
prohibit: color for prohibited areas.
runway: color for the runways.
taxiway: color for the taxiways.
building: color for buildings on airports.
stopbar: color for stopbars on airports.
stopline: color for stopbars on airports. Deprecated
appron: color for approns on airports.
pier: color for piers on airports.
Include defines for the default values you use also, this way you can assure your sectorfile
is compatible with ProController 2.2 also.
Each line contains 42 characters, each field separated by 1 space:
Airport name: 4 characters = ICAO-code
Control tower frequency: 7 characters = 3 digits, decimal point, 2 decimals, pad with one space (see below).
Latitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Longitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
If the frequency is unknown, only leave the decimal point and let other digits blank.
The IvAc format doesn't support the class of airspace anymore, instead of this you should use
ARTCC. You can still include the class of airspace for compability with ProController 2.2.
Each line contains 85 characters, each field separated by 1 space:
Name of SID: 25 characters, pad with spaces
Starting Latitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Starting Longitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Ending Latitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Ending Longitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Use VOR, NDB, Airport or Fixes names in place of Latitude/Longitudes in starting and ending
co-ordinates. If you specify a VOR, NDB, Airport or FIX for latitude and you leave longitude blank then the one of
the latitude will be used.
Name is only needed once, lines below that first line belong to that SID, until new name
Each line contains 70 characters, each field separated by 1 space:
Name of ATRCC area: 10 characters, pad with spaces = Name (= ICAO-code) + "_CTR"
Starting Latitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Starting Longitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Ending Latitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Ending Longitude: 14 characters, pad with zeros
Use VOR, NDB, Airport or Fixes names in place of Latitude/Longitudes in starting and ending
co-ordinates. If you specify a VOR, NDB, Airport or FIX for latitude and you leave longitude blank then the one of
the latitude will be used.
Name is only needed once, lines below that first line belong to that ARTCC, until new name
Include a commentline above each region, f.i. each center, approach, tower, etc